Thursday, 1 December 2022
Time: 2.00 – 3.00 pm (SA time)
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Let us Grow will be honouring heroes that have died through the pandemic of HIV/AIDS for fighting the battle of treatment to be accessible at health facility and also acknowledge the heroes that has been living with HIV and managing the pandemic taking treatment ARV. We will do testing for HIV and light candles to respect the people who have died through HIV and also respect the people living with HIV for so long. We will also have panels that will share experience on the journey of HIV treatment. Panels will include TAC, Women on Top, Isibani Women, ANOVA, DOH, Khoroni Men Forum, Rainbow Circle and MSF.
Omega Centre will host an event in partnership with our local clinics in our services delivery areas. Omega Centre will assist with the HTS, health services, condom distribution, health talks and GBV awareness talks. The morning of the event we will have a candlelight service to commemorate lost lives, the infected and affected. We want to also hand out a hand wrist red ribbon to clients.
- Barometer 2022: HIV and AIDS
Please take our attitudes survey Read the Attitudes Survey report here.
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