The Women’s Voice and Leadership project in South Africa is coming to an end in March 2023. Gender Links would like to invite you to complete one additional survey from the rapid response grantees on additional income generated as a result of the WVL-SA grant.
Please could you take 5 minutes to complete this important survey? Please fill in by 15 February 2023.
I would like to thank Gender links and WVL-SA for the doors of opportunities created by the Rapid Response Grant awarded to Indwe Learning Centres in 2020. I was a the Programme Director and Project Manager at the time. I have developed a close relationship with the beneficiaries post the grant as we worked together to create further opportunities and ways to tackle income generation, food security and address climate change. I since became an Independent Community Development Practitioner that through the work that the grant allowed us to do, received further funding from CIVICUS , Solidarity and the Roll a Hippo Foundation to continue similar work. Some beneficiaries have now started new enterprises as a result of that initial grant as well. I still work with some beneficiaries who have also formed co-operatives to create further income streams, have purchased land for farming and have branched into other forms of generating an income. The impact and exposure created was great. Thank you thank you.