Let us Grow was established by an AIDS and Gender activist Mum-Rose Thamae when she realised that there were no support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and established the first support group. While running the support groups, the organization realised that there was a dire need for home based care services as well. In subsequent years, the organization has become a key factor in addressing issues that the community faces such as GBV, women and child abuse, SRHR and empowering youth.
The WVLSA project aims to empower women and girls to take charge of their lives, creating a safe space where they can feel free to participate by writing their personal iStories through their experience on GBV testimonies and decision making. We also aim to promote education and skills training as the first key component to success among women. We aim to empower the community through information dissemination on SRHR related issues and distribute sanitary pads to adolescent school girls.