Sinqobile Kingdom Empowerment Centre is a non-profit organisation that seeks to offer empowerment programs and reach communities through outreach, projects and programs for community upliftment, training, skills development, prayer, worship, job creation, economic development, family restoration, youth empowerment, children development and bringing people from all walks of life.
Sinqobile Kingdom Empowerment Centre NPO focuses on developing and implementing campaigns that empower, educate, and uplift the people of our communities through projects and programs geared towards addressing various social ills such as poverty, unemployment, domestic violence, gender-based violence, teenage pregnancy, prostitution, drug/alcohol abuse, HIV/AIDS, etc.
Girl,Talk! Mobile App is a social media messaging platform and a young women and girls empowerment tool to combat GBV and femicide in South Africa. Girl, Talk! Mobile App offers a platform to reach out to young women and discuss gender-based violence including domestic violence, rape, femicide, sexual harassment, and other forms of abuse plaguing South Africa. The social media platform will be used to interact, motivate, educate, inform, encourage, coach, counsel and advise young woman and girls and they can access music, poetry, life skills, movies, opportunities and self-realization content to fight the scourge of GBV and femicide.
The objective of the Girl, Talk! mobile app is to be a vibrant, colourful and interesting platform to communicate a very serious message of gender-based violence, self-esteem, peer pressure, sexual health, promiscuity, exploitation, rape, teenage pregnancy and other serious ills that plague young women and young girls. The Girl, Talk! mobile app will attract girls and young women across the spectrum of interests, background and status. The goal of Girl, Talk Mobile App is to reach and recruit a minimum of 50 000 young women to become daily users of the app measured on a monthly basis.
Sinqobile Kingdom Empowerment Centre NPO has developed StopGBVapp. StopGBVApp is a Girl, Talk! Forum social media platform developed as a tool to combat gender-based violence (GBV) and femicide in South Africa. With this already existing powerful social media tool used to disseminate information, Sinqobile Kingdom Empowerment Centre has created VAWAG Forum. VAWAG “Vaccinate-All-Women-and-Girls” Forum and initiative shall be included as a group and campaign within the StopGBVapp to ensure that women are prioritized with equal rights in receiving access to Covid-19 Vaccination information and to eradicate the inequality prevalence by addressing gender inequality barriers that hamper and limit this access.