Communications Training Report
Logos: GACGLWVL-SA; Women in Dialogue
Communications for social change training – August 2021
Day 1: Social media and its impact
Taking stock of WVL-SA social media and the #VaccineGenderJusticeCampaign
How has your social media grown?
Incema (MYCore)
Resoketswe Lebjane Foundation (Rapid Response)
SAWID (Networking)
Communications for Social Change – Kubeshni Govender
Additional resources: Social media tips and tricks
The Global State of Digital 2022
Day 2: Data and data gathering
Working with WhatsApp: Visual Activation 1in9
How are grantees using analytical tools: The Great People of SA
Understanding the impact of social media on our work: Sisonke
Various ways of data representation
Signing up for Dialogues in google docs
Day 3: Knowledge management: Curating the WVL-SA Video and Joint Campaigns
Understanding knowledge management – presentation
Documentary storytelling production – presentation
Sharing plans, calendars, tools, targets: Instructions on adding an event
Evaluation Form