View the Networking and Alliance Building grantees.
Grants are available for four years with the contract renewable annually subject to grantee’s performance.
The Networking and Alliance Building Grants aim to build a strong women’s movement in South Africa. Organisations can be based anywhere in South Africa and should ideally work across more than one province. Network and Alliance Building for movement building amplifies the voices of local organisations so that they are heard at national, regional and international fora and fosters an enabling environment in which broader collective action can coalesce. For this, resources or mechanisms to be defined in the design of the initiative shall include:
- To facilitate network and partnership/supportive alliance building among and between different organisations for women’s rights and feminist movement building, this includes peer – peer networks, and linking different types of organisations such as community-based organisations, professional associations, and women economic and political leaders
- Plan and convene events that bring partners together for collective action, agenda-setting, and knowledge sharing, particularly on innovative approaches solutions.
- Facilitate and amplify the voice of local women’s organisations in regional and international arenas
- Mechanisms to strengthen and support the activities of new organisations that are ineligible to receive funding directly.
The Networking and Alliance Building Grant is in three stages:
- Organisations are required to submit a Concept Note.
- If the Concept Note is approved organisations will be invited to submit Full Applications.
- If the Full Application is successful the organisation will have to answer additional Due Diligence questions which will be verified by a WVL Officer.
All applications must be filled in online. You can view what is found online at these links but these word documents will not be accepted for the application.
If you are, you will get a notification and a link to the Concept Note stage. If that is successful you will get a notification and a link to the full application.