Exposure opens your eyes
“We have made errors that are minor, but these help with the learning for the future.”
I actually don’t know where to start, I’ve worked for NPO for 6 years now and have had no impact in the community. Day in and out I have always longed for more and 2020 came and I learnt so much from Gender Links. Where have you been all my life? Their work ethic, their dedication and hard work has really opened my eyes to seeing how much potential is out there. Office staff is often overlooked but I feel that the success of an organization lies in team effort.
Gender links taught me how to collect data, how to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and how to continue looking for funding. They opened up their hearts to us and for that, I am grateful. I really hope we can continue this relationship with Gender Links. “
Zinhle Zungu started working in Eshowe Child Welfare as a temporary holding on for the Administration officer who was on maternity leave in 2013. She was due to leave after the admin officer returned, however she found favour in the management committee and continued working as temporary secretary. In 2016, Zinhle left Eshowe Child Welfare to work for another NPO Siyazisiza Trust. She returned to Eshowe Child Welfare in 2016, upon her return, she was appointed as project Coordinator.
Miss Zungu is a hero in the community because she went beyond her secretary position and saw the need to apply for funding for Eshowe Child Welfare. She realized that the Society only relied on the small subsidy from Depatment of Social development, which did not cover the running of the organization and also a Grant-in-Aid from the Local Municipality. Without any experience, she read on funding proposals and gained just the basics on writing proposals and obtaining funding.
Miss Zungu is a driver of change, because she works tirelessly at organizing community programs for the organization and ensuring that Gender links reports are on time. Zinhle was involved in obtaining the funding from Gender Links and ensuring that all programs were implemented as per the grant agreement. Yes, she says “we have made errors that are minor, but these help with the learning for the future.”
Zinhle Zungu says that Gender Links has really opened her eyes on how other organizations work in their communities. The networks that one can build, and not only that, but with their support Miss Zungu finds their online resources so helpful.
Zinhle Zungu is excited about the upcoming programs for Economic Development and skills development. These programs will not be successful without Gender Links funding and the continued support they offer in ensuring we deliver great programs to the community.