
“Getting on with it means learning.”

I have attended most of the workshops that were hosted by Sasopsbiz Foundation, I must say I have learnt a lot from this programme. I have learnt how to interact with other young women, how to work with different people. I have also improved on my listening skills because I am also responsible from taking notes in all these workshop. It has taught me how to multitask during these workshops. I am handling Sasopsbiz Foundation social media platforms and I am still learning.

Siphelele Kunene is responsible for Marketing & Communication at Sasopsbiz Foundation. I am responsible for co-ordinating the activities of the programme. My participation in the programme has changed my life tremendous, my interaction with young women made me to feel closure and share their plight. The experience made me to realise we need to embrace the spirit of Ubuntu , because we all need one another to succeed .I remember when we had our first workshop whereby we formed Hands Up Girls Squad(HUGs) young women shared the same goals and objectives of becoming better citizens . It was easier for them to form the business they wanted to establish.