Date: 11 August 2020
Who: Citizens, women, youth, media, electoral system experts, NGOs, women parliamentarians, women councillors, academics
Where: Cyber dialogue (Gender Links Zoom meeting)
To join the dialogue please sign up or login to the Southern Africa Gender Community (SGC). After logging in, click on the Cyber Dialogues icon. Click the “Join Meeting” button on the meeting details presented. Please note that only members of the SGC can join the Cyber Dialogue.
Time: 11:00 – 13:00 SA time
This concept note concerns the first in a series of dialogues on the implications of the Constitutional Court ruling on the Electoral Act on Women’s Political Participation (WPP). On 11 June 2020 the Constitutional Court found that the Electoral Act, based on the Proportional Representation (PR) system is unconstitutional because it does not allow individuals to be elected as independent candidates. This means that South Africa’s current legislation which provides for the PR electoral system will need to change. Globally and in South Africa, the PR system has been a key factor in increasing women’s representation in parliament from 2.7% prior to the first democratic elections to 46% at the present time. Two bodies established by Chapter Nine of the Constitution in support of democracy are partnering with key Women’s Rights Organisations (WROs) during Women’s Month, August 2020, to begin a consultation on the implications of the ruling for WPP. The final output will be a submission to parliament. Let’s all ensure that gender equality is at the heart of any new solutions!
Read the full concept note and find out more on the Cyber Dialogues.
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