During the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based violence from 25 November to the 10 December Gender Links and the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance will hold dialogues on key thematic areas with stakeholders to take stock of what was achieved over the last year and identify priorities for the next year.
Date: 10 December 2020: Day of Commitment
Time: 12h00 – 14h00 (SA Time).
Where: Cyber dialogue (Gender Links Zoom meeting).
To join the dialogue please sign up or login to the Southern Africa Gender Community (SGC). After logging in, click on the Cyber Dialogues icon. Click the “Join Meeting” button on the meeting details presented. Please note that only members of the SGC can join the Cyber Dialogue. So please register by signing up.
View the list of cyber dialogues
Follow the conversation on Facebook on @GenderLinks and twitter @GenderLinks.
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