Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Time: 2.00 – 3.00 pm (SA time)

Sign up or login to the Southern Africa Gender Community and click on cyber dialogues

Zoom link: https://genderlinks-org-za.zoom.us/j/84989836939

If you need more detailed instructions, click here

Sisonke National Sexworker Movement will host a dialogue which will provide a space to discuss mental health. It will include presentations and open floor discussions, as well as artistic performances from participants. The overall purpose of the event is to highlight how trauma can affect our mental health and the importance of seeking help. In light of the recent news reports of gender-based violence and femicide, it is crucial that we as a collective understand how we need to prioritise our mental health.


Poll questions:
People should be treated the same whether they are male or female

Please take our attitudes survey   Read the Attitudes Survey report here.